For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Tag six of your friends and inform them of the tag. Have fun.
A - ka----F - lu---- K - me---- P - no---- U - do---- Z - zi
B - tu----G - ji----- L - ta----- Q - ke ----V - ru
C - mi----H - ri ----M - rin ----R - shi ---W - mei
D - te----I - ki -----N - to----- S - ari---- X - na
E - ku--- J - zu ----O - mo ----T - chi---- Y - fu
nama penuh ke nama kosong ek?hahaha
I = KI
A = KA
bule la panggil saya KI RIN KA..hahaha
So nak tag
- Sal
- Red
- Kak Ain
- Sha
- Sara
- Doc Ayam
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